In February we took a trip as a family to St. George for a soccer tournament for Hannah. It was a great trip and a lot of fun but the weather was not good and made the playing conditions for the players suspect. The conditions for the spectators was arguably worse. It was rainy, muddy and cold but the soccer was great. The venue was a sod farm in Washington in the red dirt. The mud was EVERYWHERE! It was like glue! We stayed with the Pettys in their parents Condo. That was very kind of them to share their living space with us for the weekend... Thanks Pettys!
The girls won the first game 3 to 0 which gave them 10 points going into the next two games. The next game was probably the worst weather wise. There were sheets of rain coming in sideways at the girls as they played. They described it as tiny needles stabbing them as they tried to play. I am not sure we even took pictures of that game. Most of the spectators were huddled in their vehicles watching from the warmth and comfort of their cars. The girls played well but ended up losing 2 - 0 but the sportsmanship on both sides was commendable. It was the last game that was questionable. I felt our girls were very good sports. For the most part so were the parents on our sideline. It was a hard fought game. The other girls were well coached. Maybe a little too well coached. They even knew stall tactics to drag out the game clock and waste time. Our girls complained to the officials about the language the other girls were using and some of the rough play they were experiencing. Cute Hannah was an emotional wreck after the game. In trying to console her about the loss she made it clear to us and her coach that it was not so much the idea of losing that bothered her. It was the poor sportsmanship of the other girls and the disappointment she felt that these young women were being taught to act and play the way they were. If nothing else, it was a good lesson for her to learn how to deal with adversity on the soccer pitch in a way that had little to do with the sport itself. Hannah, we love you and are proud of how you chose to live your life. There are so many of life's lessons to be learned through sports. I am glad to know that she is learning the important lessons of life. I am also glad that friends and memories are being made.
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