Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hot Dog!

Ah... the ever glorious Hot Dog On A Stick.  You know, some of my greatest memories were spent in front of a store much like this.  There is something wonderful about hot melted cheese on a stick slathered in batter and deep fried that just gives me goose bumps... in a good way mind you.

When Amy used to work here many moons ago, I would drop in and see her.  It was the only food available in a new and struggling South Towne Mall.  Needless to say, there was quite a bit of waste there.  I would show up about the time she would have to scratch a certain amount of inventory off the list and throw it in the garbage.  This situation led to one of the greatest variations of the cheese on a stick to ever grace a disposable paper hotdog tray.

Amy would take several cheese sticks that were going in the trash and mush them into a big cheese ball about the size of a grapefruit, waller it around in the batter and drop it into the boiling magic fry pot.  It took longer than a normal cheese stick so it was a delicate process to brown the outside just enough to ensure the contents were thoroughly melted but not to over do the outer shell.  She got it down to a fine science and I would enjoy a calorie oozing delicacy.

Although mom no longer works there, she and I still have fond memories.  And although the kids may never experience the mastery of mom's delectable cheese ball, it still tastes about the same as one on a stick.
The only thing that would have made this night better would have been to see amy in her little uniform pounding out a fresh batch of lemonade like the girl in the background.  Good times!

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